Online Ordination Program

Ordination is the act by which our church delegates a wide range of ministerial functions and responsibilities to qualified persons who have demonstrated a connection to our community and a deep and passionate understanding of the beliefs, values, and goals of The Satanic Temple. The purpose of this program is to allow candidates to demonstrate, in a consistent and rigorous way, that they have a deep understanding of our beliefs, history, and organization, and that they have a strong and positive connection to our community.

Registration for this program is by invitation only. Talk to your Congregation Head or Campaign Director to find out more about how to receive an invitation to register. We require our ministers to engage with one or more groups in the organization, so if you are interested in pursuing ministry in The Satanic Temple your first step should be to simply get involved!

Tips For Getting Involved

If you are not currently eligible to register for the full ordination program, consider registering for our Non-Ordination (Coursework Only) program. Anyone may register for this course, and you get access to the same learning materials that our ordained ministers are required to master. Moreover, if you become eligible for ordination within 12 months of completing the non-ordination coursework, you can use completion of this course as "credit" toward your ordination so you do not have to repeat the lessons or final exam.

Non-Ordination (Coursework Only)

The Ordination Program requires you to complete a set of lessons (listed below), pass a final exam, sign a set of conduct agreements, submit to a background check, and write and submit an essay. You also must get an ordained Congregation Head or Campaign Director to write a "Letter of Approval" in support of your candidacy.  Check out our FAQ Help Pages for more details about the requirements and process involved in the ordination program.

Ordination Program Steps

Finally, if you want to start preparing before you sign up for either of these programs, you may download the Coursework Study Guide and start looking over the material. Please feel free to contact the Ordination Council if you have any questions, and thank you for your interest in our Satanic Ministry and ordination program!

Course curriculum

    1. Letter of Approval

    2. Background Check

    1. Abstract

    2. 1.1: Overview

    3. 1.2: Enlightenment

    4. 1.3: The Journey

    5. Lesson 1 Quiz

    6. Reflection 1

    1. Abstract

    2. 2.1: Early Religious Persecution

    3. 2.2: Hunting Witches

    4. 2.3: Modern Conspiracy Theory

    5. Lesson 2 Quiz

    6. Reflection 2

    1. Abstract

    2. 3.1: The Scientific Revolution

    3. 3.2: Philosophy of Science

    4. 3.3: Democracy and Science

    5. Lesson 3 Quiz

    6. Reflection 3

    1. Abstract

    2. 4.1: Mythological Satan

    3. 4.2: Literary Satan

    4. 4.3: Revolt of the Angels

    5. Lesson 4 Quiz

    6. Reflection 4

    1. Abstract

    2. 6.1: Proto-Satanism

    3. 6.2: Classical Satanism

    4. 6.3: Contemporary Satanism

    5. Lesson 6 Quiz

    6. Reflection 6

About this course

  • $149.00
  • 61 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content