SAOP Leadership Fund

The Satanic Agenda Opportunity Program has created the SAOP Leadership Fund to remove barriers for qualified members who have been selected by their Congregation to serve in a position in the Society of Congregations that requires ordination as a prerequisite for having the role. Currently that includes the roles of Congregation Head, Congregation Media Representative, and Regional Committee Representative.

Would you like to help future leaders in The Satanic Temple by contributing to the fund? Look over the donation options below, and click the "donate" button for the option that is best for you. You can make a one-time donation, spread the donation across 12 monthly installments, or set up monthly recurring donations that continue until you cancel. If you would like to arrange for a larger donation of specialized dollar amount please reach out to the Ordination Council.

Do you have questions about how the fund works? Scroll down past the payment options to the Q&A section below.

  • $20.00

    Standard donation

  • $99.00

    Special Donation

  • $149.00

    Donate a registration

  • $59.00

    Donate a renewal

  • $12.50 / month

    Donate a registration (12 mos)

  • $5.00 / month

    Donate a renewal (12 mos)

  • $12.50 / month

    Donate until you cancel

  • $5.00 / month

    Donate until you cancel


SAOP Leadership Fund Q&A

  • Who may use money in this fund?

    Any member who has been duly nominated by their congregation to serve in a role for which being an ordained minister is a prerequisite, who is not ordained at the time of their nomination, is eligible to register for the program using the SAOP Leadership Fund rather than paying for the registration out of their own pocket. At this time the three roles that this applies to are: Congregation Head, Congregation Media Representative, and Regional Committee Representative.

  • How is the money distributed?

    No money is distributed. When a Congregation has identified their nominee to the appropriate Committee within the Society of Congregations, that Committee will initiate a process of evaluation and/or onboarding that will include notifying the Ordination Council that they are to be invited to register for the ordination program as a SAOP candidate. When the nominee receives their invitation to register for the program, they will also be given a personalized discount code that they may use so that the registration fee will be covered by SAOP funds, rather than paying for the registration themselves. They will not be compelled to use the discount code: it is simply there as an option.

  • How much of my money ends up helping people?

    100% of the money donated through this page goes into the SAOP Leadership Fund. Money in this fund is only used to finance the creation of discount codes issued to nominees for qualifying positions.

  • Can I get a summary of the financial history of the fund?

    You may request a summary report of financial transactions from the Ordination Council. Financial summary reports do not include names or any personally identifiable information about donors who have contributed to the fund or ordination candidates who have used the fund to pay for their registration.