SAOP Self-Financing

The Satanic Agenda Opportunity Program offers SAOP Self-Financing as a way for members to pay in small monthly increments toward their enrollment in the ordination program, their next ordination renewal, or the non-ordination coursework. Select the option below that corresponds to the program you are interested in and the number of payments you would like to make, and click "set up payments" to get started.

IMPORTANT: This is not a "Register Now, Pay Later" program. The purpose of this program is to allow you to pay into a personal fund over time that you can redeem toward your registration later. When you are ready to register for a program, email the Ordination Council and you will receive a discount code for the amount of money in your SAOP funds, up to the total cost of the registration. You do not need to wait until you have paid in the total cost of the program to use your funds; however, you will only be able to get a discount code for up to the total amount you have already paid.

SAOP Self-Financing Q&A

  • What if I change my mind and decide not to register for the program?

    If you decide you that you are no longer interested in registering as a candidate after having paid some or all of the money into your finance account, you may cancel without any penalty and will be refunded all of the money you paid in.

  • Am I obligated to use the money to sign up when all of my payments have been made?

    No. You can keep the money in your finance account until you are ready to start the program.